To optimize Storm Server performance, you’ll have to set the correct number of threads for each thread-pool sub-system manually. This short guide will help you configure this information properly. ThreadPool configuration is located in the config/preferences.xml file
Parameter name | Suggested value | Description |
parseThreads | - For a small number of input streams NUMBER OF CORES x 4 - For huge number of input stream NUMBER OF CORES x 8 | Number of threads parsing incoming data packages |
transportThreads | The number should be equal to max estimated number of streams on a server x 2 | These threads transport video data between video source and muxers |
muxerThreads | The number should be equal to max estimated number of streams on a server | Muxer threads pack video data into packages |
senderThreads | The number should be higher than max estimated viewer count | Sender threads send data to vierwers |